the crimson and the blue.

Monday, August 31, 2009

let the pregnant people sit.

Today, I was on the train, coming back to NTU from raffles place. FML.

No, of course I understand that does not constitute a FML. The truth is, this post doesn't constitute to a FML, but an AFML. Almost-FML.

Anyway, so I was on the train, standing near the train door as I always do. Boarded this pregnant lady from my side (the train opens on the other side on Dover) and she walked right in front of me. There were no seats to be found, so she stood in front of the priority seats.

Now, if you have been on the train in recent months, you would know that there are hugeass posters pointing to the reserved seats. There she was, standing in front of one and the auntie sitting there refused to budge.

I was growing increasingly irritated, as I began to fear for the safety of said pregnant lady. Why can't the auntie be more civic minded and give up her seat?

I almost wanted to ask the auntie in the priority seat to give up her seat, but fortunately, the pregnant lady got off at Jurong East.

Fortunately because as "pregnant lady" walked away, I realize... maybe she wasn't pregnant. The bump in her stomach either significantly reduced in size during the train ride, or I was just a bit wonky. It was no more than a slightly oversized excuse for a tummy.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

i am a friend of... God.

isn't it quite a thought, that you are important, and cherished by someone?

it is to me, at this season in my life, amidst the busy-ness, the disappointments, the challenges and the everything we call life.

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place.
What is man that you are mindful of him,
The son of man that you care for him?

- Psalms 8:3-4

Thursday, August 27, 2009

lewd university students

before i go to sleep, i just have to get this off my chest.

Shame! NTU orientation activities so sexually suggestive


I had actually wanted to post the photo for illustrative purposes, but then I realized it might just generate more negative buzz for the situation, and well, yeah it is quite lewd.

It is very easy for the media to pick up on such things, and who can blame them, when such news is indeed quite sensational. What I contend is how continual reportings of such incidents, without a fair representation of the general populace is unfair to the rest of us uni students.

For one, such reports make it sound like the rest of us, uni students, are applauding like mad monkeys while we watch a girl eat a banana. No, that is not true. I have come across a fair share of such distasteful acts in the name of fun, and like many of my peers, we do have some morality and decency.

What I hope to see, is at least a representation of the student's voice in the reports. Don't make it sound our educational institute is some sex club, and that the life of the general uni student is so sexciting. And please for the sake of Durex, don't place that kind of expectations, or induce that kind of expectation on university students.

If you have the powers to shape perceptions, please at least try to be objective.

Shame! Creating sensationalism at the expense of others!

Why do I keep picking up on all these sex things? Studying Sigmund Freud and his warped theories has detrimental effects. Now I keep thinking about sex, in the most boring and intellectual way of course.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

strangely stressed, strangely tired

we are in week 2 of school, and I am strangely stressed, and strangely tired.

this semester, i'm taking the lightest workload so far in my university education, with only 19AUs. Thank God i managed to get the mods i want, and i kinda look forward to doing my best in them, especially the advert modules.

decided to drop business law, in part because of Friday rehearsals for youth service. my classes would have ended at 6.30pm, and I stand no chance in getting to church for rehearsals at 7.15pm.

also re-evaluating my non-academic commitments. only two things that i am committed to now, worship chair for youthfusion, and spo for pumpfest(yet to be confirmed.) i really need to stop committing to everything, and commit more to the things that i need to.

but sometimes in a course where coursework takes up most of the academia, it's hard to separate what is academic and what's not. and what's for my portfolio, and what's not. i should plan one cohesive effort to maximize all the resources, and minimize repetitions. my life is imc.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

how can we?

I like this quote from my readings:

For how can we all pull together if we all pull apart?
- James M. Banner, Jr. 2007.

back to school

back to hall today. the holidays was mad, like a crazed whirlwind of activities, experiences, this and that.

i feel like i might have been over committed, but at the end of it all, it does feel like every bit of it was worth doing.

from cheerleading, to 3 focs (school, odac, hall) to signing off my year 2 to odac at the expense of exchange, my uni life is really not turning out the way i envisioned it to be.

looking back, i guess God's promise does stand true. one day i might be able to give a blow-by-blow analysis of the various components of my life, but for now, know this. He has carried me through to this day, and nothing is in its place without His permission. No matter what I see, He's the one bringing me through. And He will bring me through, every step of the way. I trust Him.