I am currently at work and perplexed by the most confounding questions an errant mind can come up with.
1. Are oil prices supposed to be so damn high? If the market is supposed to price products to how much a consumer values it, isn't it such a strange thing that we'd pay so much for a product that we destroy in its usage? If the value of oil were to be measured by the energy it produces, then how come the price for other forms of energy, human-produced energy, i.e. labour isn't rising as proportionately.
2. Is it fair for the general populace to bear the burden of a higher cost of living for commodity speculators to grow richer?
3. What a mystery it is, that the human mind and its sensories can be tricked out to go places. A plane can take you to Mexico, so can vibrations transposed on to your ear drums by moving air and changing patterns of light before your eye. Or a huge dose of narcotical intake.
4. The meek shall inherit the earth. What is meekness? I read somewhere it is restrained strength, and while I am not really an admirer of artforms like tai chi or yoga, I am somehow attracted to this notion of meekness.
5. I'd really like to challenge the notion that you have to be rich and successful or to have a beautiful wife to be successful to have a fulfilling life. While I am nowhere rich, successful or married to a beautiful woman, I have seen people who'd be judged as poor, failure-d and bounded to people who are not as abled lead very fulfilling life, and to be truth, I am very envious.
6. How can I have time to blog while people are paying me to work? Do they really think I'm working, orexpect me to be working when everyone is half a building away attending "training", probably wondering about the same questions as I am.
7. What time can i go home?