the crimson and the blue.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

never give up on me.

had training for my new job yesterday. well, one day only la. met new ppl again, glad for that. :) and had to undergo a third interview today. stupid policies.

and then met eric for dinner, shopping and stuff. had great talks with him again, and fooled around the city hall area a lot. also enquired about amps and all. something that needs to be done, done.

today, did that "interview" thing, which wasn't an interview at all. then met jx in town, walked a bit, then over to city hall to meet tim, cheok and mel. penin again, talked to the g77 ppl a bit, and then over to suntec to collect my paycheck from december, and bought work clothes. then to the worship thing at night, which i busied myself drawing silly stuff, but still, experienced a special touch from God.

now, i need to do up a to-do list.

1. Get new year clothes
2. Make sure i do not have to work so much that i have no time for my ministry
3. Spend more time on my guitar
4. Finish up my amps proposal
5. Do what i say i would on my to-do list

and i'm surprised You'd still call me into Your inner courts when all i've been doing is run away. indeed, You love me, always.


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