the crimson and the blue.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

faded intentions

somehow, the lure isn't there anymore. what used to be an incentive now looks more like a burden, and maybe i just don't want it anymore.

anyhows, work's taken a different climate recently. joshua's been sacked, and lynette's probably gonna get the agent to get her reassigned to a new job in a few days. mostly because cannot work saturdays, and late till weekdays. i don't have quite an issue about those working hours too, and i may be the next to go too. i hate the way our boss treats us, going to our agent when they have any problems with us instead of coming to us. well, i am not working very hard to stay employed, it aint worth it. underpaid, overworked and for a lousy boss, it's not worth it.

but work's being more fun now. we've decided to take our full one hour break, even if the office is busy, since they say they will deduct the full one hour even if we stay in during break. and it's pretty fun when we temps and young people all just come into my cubicle to slack and talk cock and try to poison each other. now i found out there are actually 3 ex-cj ppl in the office. funny huh.

in any case, i do not love the company i work in. their staffs are hardworking and a conscientious lot, but overworked because of an inefficient system. also, lets just say if i were a consumer, i wouldnt want to use this company's service.

so i have 4 more days of work to go, thurs night to church for worship learning session, saturday for recce, guitar lesson, maybe pubbing or scouting for amp, or cny shopping, sunday for church, and then either jamming or shopping. life is blander than school life. and especially so when you are broke and ur previous employer haven't paid you. now, i won't be joking if i said i'm broke. been praying for that pay to come in. God, please just do this, won't You?



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