the crimson and the blue.

Friday, September 22, 2006


i was typing in the url for, and guess what i typed by mistake? haha. brain's dead on a friday night. refer to my url if u need a reason as to why i typed that.

had a pretty bad week anyways. everything went wrong from the weekend on. got my dv stuck in between my cylinder and body during pool con, and screwed up pool con stage 1 partly cause of this. and another cause i was so bloody brain-dead in the water at that time.

and it was also the week that i lost my watch in the water, cut my knee at the pool side, got knocked by the bc bottle while jumping into the pool, forgot to bring any food in, and our batch pumping up the hellweek seaboats for a mini-mega whacking session.

the whacking session today was tough. just not used to getting whacked like that anymore, with hellweek being more than a month ago.

enough about all these army stuff, since most ppl will have no damn idea what i'm talking about. so here's something you'll understand.

i ate a lot of muffins this week. sultana, chocolate and mandarin orange.

ahhh, crap. i don't even know what i'm talking about right now. the whole week in camp i was grumpy. thanks for the concern, camp-mates, but i was just fretting about insignificant matters that wouldnt matter much to your life, so i kinda evaded talking about it. but still, i'm sorry for being such a grumpy old fella recently. i wonder how the grinch lives. it's hard being like that, though somewhat strangely comforting.


anyway, i don't really like muffins at all.

never mind, these are horrid times.
o-o-oh! i can't let it bother me!


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