the crimson and the blue.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

wow, i have not been in here for a while.

it's been a crazily hectic week.. the whole of last weekend was taken up by my basic media writing assignment(which i suspect i might not do too well in) and had a term paper on thurs. just a presentation tomorrow and that marks the end of my crazy week.

all in all, uni has been pretty good. i pretty much like the subjects i'm doing, though i'd definitely be happier with more friends. hall's ok too, as much i hate to admit it, i miss being home sometimes.

my mind hasn't been working for quite a while and i do feel quite inadequate in terms of mental finesse. but the best thing, standing at this point of my education is knowing that avenues are opening up before me, and the stressful part is avenues takes effort to walk up.

amidst all the busy-ness, trying to get educated, trying to make friends, i am really trying to find God. God of every season, God of every emotion, God of all situations, honestly there are times i look at You and wonder if i am missing the point.

and there are times i catch myself thinking you are beautiful, and then i try to negate it. will i only be contented and accepting when you are as flawed as i am?


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